Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Attachment Theory in Child Psychology Essay - 2260 Words

The Attachment Theory in Child Psychology The term attachment describes an infants tendency to seek closeness to particular people and to feel more secure in their presence (Atkinson et al, 2000, p90). This essay will attempt to provide a brief and up to date summary of attachment theory and research, show how it is linked to Child Abuse, the Family, and Children and Divorce, critically evaluating attachments predictive value. One of the most influential theories in the history of attachment has been that of John Bowlby developed during a study of the mental health of homeless children for the World Health†¦show more content†¦However, the political implications of the era in which it was developed cannot be ignored with men returning from war and needing jobs back! In contrast, Freud Dann (1951) found that the negative outcome for the child of deprivation (lost or separated from mother), or privation (no particular person to attach to), in concentration camps, was alleviated by the company of other children. cheekycool Bowlbys somewhat pessimistic view of the consequences of maternal separation/deprivation has been actively debated and was the catalyst for much contemporary work. Rutter (1971) in Rutter (1999) p65, challenged Bowlbys (1960) findings that linked significant separations in early childhood with stealing tendencies/delinquency in boys. He found that emotional disturbances related to the reasons for separation from the primary caregiver, i.e. serious tensions at home, parents with mental illness and acrimonious divorces were responsible for later delinquency, rather than the separation itself. Tizard (1989) also challenged monotropy finding adoptedShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Theories Of Attachment Essay1191 Words   |  5 PagesUnderstand Theories of Attachment. Evaluating two theories that explain the development of the infant attachment to parents or surrogates. Ainsworth and Bell’s theory, based on Strange Situation Test (SST), and Bowlby’s monotropic theory will be evaluated and shall show their usefulness in psychological research. Summary of Attachment. An attachment is, to quote Kagan et al. (1978, cited in Gross, 2015), â€Å"†¦an intense emotional relationship that is specific to two people, that endures over time,Read MoreMy Point Of View Attachment Theory1033 Words   |  5 PagesMain Post Attachment theory is defined as the characters associated with the long term associated of human beings. From my point of view attachment is a lasting, secure and positive bond between a child and a caregiver, a reciprocal relationship. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Cult of Masculinity in In the Country of Men

In the Country of Men The Cult of masculinity In the book In the Country of Men, Hisham Matar, the author discusses his childhood experience in the 1970s during the revolution in Libya. The time when men overpowered and completely dominated women. The title itself describes Libya as a country that belongs to men where women are used like tools. We see that Suleiman wants to become a man as soon as possible through the story but on the other hand, the story also talks about a female being Suleiman’s mother - Najwa who thinks she lost her freedom when she was just 14 and had to get married. However, after all the development from the 1970’s till today, the current generation considers both men and women equally powered. Right†¦show more content†¦For example, during the visit of the RCC (Revolutionary Committee Men) to Baba’s house to find Baba and any evidence against him. â€Å"I was wet beneath my clothes and realized what I had done. The pee felt warm and cold and sticky to my skin† (64). When the RCC man had asked him about his father, Suleiman gets scared and pees himself not being able to control him. Even though he was the â€Å"man of the house† this incident proves him as a kid who cannot control himself. Another example was when Najwa tells Suleiman about how Faraj, who she belonged to, and all the other men out there had to puncture his wife’s veil and bleed her to prove his wife as a virgin. â€Å"I didn’t know what Mama meant, but feared that when the time came I might not have what it takes to ‘puncture’ a women† (13). Suleiman fears he might not be able to do the duty that every man is to do to prove his wife a virgin. Even though there are some responsibilities of a man that Suleiman has fulfilled, he still doubts if he will be able to be a real man just like his father was. Najwa, Suleimans mom, as she like to say, lost her freedom when she was just 14 years old. She had been forced to marry a completely strange man who was 9 years older than her even though she wanted to complete her education first. She being the girl was not even allowed to reject the marriage or even argue to defend herself. The High Council decided my fate (144). When she says High Council it meant all the males in the house – herShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Sambia Tribe Coming of Age Rituals689 Words   |  3 PagesSambia Tribe has a very strange coming of age ritual. This ritual was originated in Papua New Guinea, which is a country in Oceania. This is a ritual for male not female. It begins at the age of seven. There are six stages to this ritual. The ceremony lasts seven days. The first stage is when the boys are removed from their mothers and are put in a men’s cult. In the first stage a crowd of men take the boys in beside a river. 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Over 300 men and women came to the convention, and this started the first wave of feminism in which American women fought for the right to vote. The second wave fought for freedom of sexuality while the third wave, which is currently taking place, fights against Americas raunch or sexually driven culture in order to lessen the burden of oppression and â€Å"-isms† of people other than male WASPS. Feminism is the equality of men and women but has evolved into a fight forRead MoreThe Fight Club By Chuck Palahniu k1309 Words   |  6 Pagesthe narrator fades away each night, Tyler Durden takes over his body, early on leading men to participate in relatively harmless fight clubs to experience pain and masculinity, to later collaborating with the same men in the much larger and more harmful Project Mayhem, a movement to assert dominance on the world. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Professional Values and Ethics Paper Free Essays

Professional Values and Ethics Paper Team A GEN200 October 25, 2010 Marie Gelpi Hammerschmidt Professional values and ethics can influence the way a person’s career can either succeed or fail. Depending upon the person’s personal core values determines how he or she will use those values in his or hers professional life. If a person respects others in his or hers personal life, then that respect of others will most likely be carry over into the professional side of the person’s life. We will write a custom essay sample on Professional Values and Ethics Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Values are enduring beliefs, both hard-wired (i. e. acquired genetically) and shaped by cultural context, about preferred â€Å"end states† according to Urbany, Reynolds, and Phillips (2008). Values determine the decisions a person makes, whether to go to work or call in sick, or whether to put the money in the cashier’s drawer where it belongs or put it in his or hers pocket. All professional business decisions can influence a person’s career. If a person sees only his or hers decisions as affecting the here and now, then those decisions are normally made in haste and results only in solving the current problem and leading to possible failure. If the person’s decisions take into consideration what the effects down the road will be, then the person will have more success in his or hers professional and personal lives.References: Urbany,  J. ,  Reynolds,  T. ,  and  Phillips,  J. (2008). How to Make Values Count in Everyday Decisions. MIT Sloan Management Review,  49(4),  75-80. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global (Document ID:  1520405561). ———————– Professional Values and Ethics 2 How to cite Professional Values and Ethics Paper, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Payroll and Timekeeping System with Fingerprint Scanner free essay sample

Technology is a scientific development that aids human’s problem and extent human capabilities as well. As time goes by, human becomes more and more idealistic in terms of technology, and developing and improving a simple thing. Nowadays, not only the gadgets are evolving, even simple systems of an organization were also developed gradually. Many companies started to use computerized system to save time and reduce costs, even though these computerized systems are rather expensive. Payroll system is a good example of a system that now going to computerized. Payroll is one of the complex tasks that an organization is performing. Aside from simply paying employees, companies will need to file taxes, submit reports and process year-end data for tax reporting purposes. The problem with the manual payroll system is if ever one had committed mistakes, whatever input was made from the start will automatically affect the calculations, and it is very time consuming that’s why computerized payroll system is implemented. We will write a custom essay sample on Payroll and Timekeeping System with Fingerprint Scanner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Computerized payroll system are much faster and easier compared to the manual processing. Also quick and accurate answers were produced by the computerized software. The proponents have chosen to make a computerized payroll system with time keeping for Mondo Corporation, specifically in its facility, which is currently using manual payroll system to generate and compute the payment for the employees. Mondo Corporation was being managed by Ms. Marichu Espina and it is located at Niog III, Bacoor, Cavite. This corporation is divided into 3 different sectors: Sticker World, Red Materials and Pink Mango Canteen. It is also divided into 2 different departments: sales and production department. They have regular and contractual employee on their corporation. This corporation with the total of 33 employees is registered with the Department of Trade Industry and started their production in 2007.