Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rhetorical Strategies Used by President George W. Bush Essay -- Rhetor

Expository Strategies Used by President George Bush After the September 11 Terrorist Attacks On September 11, 2001, the Islamist fear monger bunch known as al-Qaeda propelled a progression of psychological militant assaults on the United States of America, explicitly in the New York City and Washington D.C zones. Nineteen al-Qaeda fear based oppressors seized four planes with the goal of utilizing them as self destruction assaults that would crash those planes into assigned structures, or targets. Two of the four traveler planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the two of which fallen altogether inside two hours of being hit. The third plane was collided with the Pentagon, and the west side of the structure, which is the Headquarters of the US Department of Defense, mostly fallen. The fourth captured plane was expected for the US Capitol Building in Washington D.C, yet rather collided with a field in Pennsylvania after the travelers of the plane meddled with the ruffians. The assault on September eleventh was devastatingly fatalâ₠¬almost 3,000 individuals kicked the bucket in the assaults, including the entirety of the al-Qaeda criminals and each traveler on board the four planes. On the night of September 11, 2001, in the wake of these assaults, President George W. Shrubbery gave a location to the country. In his discourse, Bush tends to the residents of the United States, which is his intended interest group. Be that as it may, because of the idea of the assaults, individuals from everywhere throughout the world saw Bush’s address from their TVs, and individuals from both the United States and the remainder of the world had the option to get to the discourse later on the Internet. Bush’s fundamental reason in his location is to give a formal presidential reaction to the fear based oppressor assault, yet more I... ...s audience’s feelings of dread and trouble, yet additionally of energy through charged language and by convincing his watchers to relate to the people in question, so as to arouse a feeling of outrage and promise to equity, which he can accomplish this charged language through utilization of representation and periphrasis. By introducing his contention as one of strategy and supporting this case through the conventional subjects of definition and associative, Bush can eventually utilize his location to contend that America ought to be guarded, in light of the fact that shielding America implies protecting the precept of opportunity itself. Works Cited Hedge, George W. A Great People Has Been Moved to Defend a Great Nation. Oval Office. Washington D.C. 11 Sept. 2001. American Rhetoric. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Blemish. 2013. gwbush911addresstothenation.htm>.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Maos Hundred Flowers Campaign in China

Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign in China In late 1956, only seven years after the Red Army won in Chinas Civil War, Chairman of the Communist Party Mao Zedong declared that the administration needed to get residents genuine thoughts about the system. Heâ sought to advance the improvement of another Chinese culture, and said in a discourse that Criticism of the organization is pushing the administration towards the better. This was a stun to the Chinese individuals since the Communist Party had in every case recently took action against any resident strong enough to condemn the gathering or its authorities. The Liberalization Movement Mao named this progression development the Hundred Flowers Campaign, after a conventional sonnet: Let a hundred blossoms sprout/Let a hundred ways of thinking fight. In spite of, the Chairmans asking, in any case, the reaction among the Chinese individuals was quieted. They didn't genuinely accept that they could condemn the legislature without repercussions. Head Zhou Enlai had gotten just a bunch of letters from unmistakable intellectuals,â containing minor and wary investigates of the administration. By the spring of 1957, socialist authorities changed their tone. Mao reported that analysis of the administration was permitted as well as liked, and started to legitimately compel some driving savvy people to send in their helpful analysis. Consoled that the legislature genuinely needed to hear reality, by May and early Juneâ of that year,â university teachers and different researchers were sending in a large number of letters containing progressively self-assured proposals and criticisms. Students and different residents additionally held analysis gatherings and rallies, set up banners, and distributed articles in magazines calling for change. Absence of Intellectual Freedom Among the issues focused by the individuals during the Hundred Flowers Campaign were the absence of scholarly opportunity, the brutality of past break downs onâ opposition leaders,â the close adherence to Soviet thoughts, and the a lot better quality of living delighted in by Party pioneers versus the normal citizens. This surge of vociferous analysis appears to have overwhelmed Mao and Zhou. Mao, specifically, considered it to be a danger to the system; he felt that the feelings being voiced were not, at this point productive analysis, yet were hurtful and wild. End to the Campaign On June 8, 1957, Chairman Mao demanded the cessation of the Hundred Flowers Campaign. He reported that the time had come to cull the noxious weeds from the bed of blossoms. Several savvy people and understudies were gathered together, including professional majority rule government activists Luo Longqi and Zhang Bojun, and had to openly admit that they had sorted out a mystery scheme against communism. The crackdown sent many driving Chinese scholars to work camps for re-training or to jail. The concise trial with the right to speak freely of discourse wasâ over. The Debate History specialists keep on discussing whether Mao truly needed to hear proposals on administration, at the outset, or whether the Hundred Flowers Campaign was a snare all along. Certainly, Mao had been stunned and dismayed by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchevs discourse, advertised on March 18, 1956, in which Khrushchev decried previous Soviet pioneer Joseph Stalin for building a faction of character, and managing through doubt, dread, and fear. Mao may have needed to measure whether learned people in his own nation saw him a similar way. It is likewise conceivable, nonetheless, that Mao and all the more especially Zhou were genuinely looking for newâ paths for creating Chinas culture and expressions under the socialist model. Whatever the case, in the consequence of the Hundred Flowers Campaign, Mao expressed that he had flushed the snakes out of their caves. The rest of 1957 was committed to an Anti-Rightest Campaign, in which the legislature mercilessly squashed all contradiction.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The story is so common. The lo... free essay sample

The story is so normal. The lottery champ with Millions of dollars by one way or another makes itback to being poor inside a couple of years. It really transpired I went to highschoolwith. For what reason does this Lottery Curse influence such a large number of individuals? It is on the grounds that in the United States, wehave essentially no accommodating data about how to bring in cash, keep cash or develop cash. Individuals who set aside cash are frequently taken a gander at as exhausting, not energizing, economical and possiblyeven modest; I have been called those names, yet developing your investment funds is really one of thebest sentiments throughout everyday life!! If I somehow happened to carry you to my office, similar to Uncle G says, the main thing we wantto do is assist you with getting your cash right!It approaches slowly and carefully, however the things individuals need to know:1. Because you bring in cash, doesn't mean you need to spend everything. We will compose a custom paper test on The story is so normal. The lo or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Have you everheard the term my cash begs to be spent? I used to be that way. Each time I gotmy check, I was living enormous and acting like there was no limit to the income†¦.I boughteverything I could until the cash ran out and I had nothing for quite a long time and days and lived oncredit cards. At the point when I began with World Financial Group more than 10 years back, somebody finallyeducated me about how I should ponder cash and how to keep a greater amount of it.2. Mastercards are not your rainy day account. Indeed, a few people use them thusly. Whenyou come up short on cash, its opportunity to not spend any longer until you get paid once more. Living inside mymeans is probably the best exercise my mom attempted to instruct me when I was youthful. I neverlistened and piled on $45,000 worth of charge card obligation not long before the economy slammed in2008/09. Fortunately, I had the option to clear everything up in 3 years with right training and definitelyearning more cash. Keep your charge card in your wallet on the off chance that you can dodge it. 3. Accruing funds: It will be your most noteworthy partner on the off chance that you use it accurately, however it will be your worstenemy in the event that you misuse it by method for Mastercards. At World Financial Group, we instruct theentrepreneurs and normal individuals how to settle on better progressively taught decisions when it comes tocompound interest.4. Procure more cash! Put in work where you can procure more. In the event that that is unimaginable, takeon a side activity or start a business that you will bring in cash doing. We not, at this point live in an agewhere people just do a certain something. Most everybody has something they do as an afterthought to makeadditional pay. The truth is, these days, on the off chance that you dont have some sort ofside hustle, you may get left behind.5. Separate your cash into pails, envelopes, and so on. Simply keep them isolated. I regularly doworkshops with kids through our Kid Entrepreneur program BOOM or in the study halls atschool. I show them how to isolate their cash into 5 containers (good cause/tithe, wealth,education, momentary investment funds for an outing, shoes, garments, music, and so forth and last is simply Blow It onWhatever You Want! On the off chance that you can isolate your cash into better places, you will be betterprepared for genuine crises and ready to recuperate all the more rapidly. These are only a few nuts and bolts and small steps to assist individuals with improving every day. I am sograteful to have been related with individuals who have helped me improve my financialsituation and jump on target for my fantasies. It has been a brilliant method to learn and instruct mykids how to have a solid relationship with cash.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

3 Day SAT Study Schedule

Note: This post has been updated for the 2016 version of the SAT. Last Minute SAT Prep Life is busy—and you just haven’t gotten around to studying for the SAT. Now suddenly its just around the corner Yikes! Maybe a little more time to study would have been more ideal, but you cant help that now. So you’ve cleared your schedule (as much as possible) and you want to spend the last few days before the test preparing. But where do you start? Well, here is the perfect last minute SAT prep for you: The 3 Day SAT Study Schedule! Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to the three days leading up to your SAT, plus a list of all the materials youll need to succeed. Materials Resources The Official SAT Study Guide This book is the SAT bible–questions created by the writers of the test (the College Board). It has plenty of practice tests and content to give you a sense of the actual difficulty and complexity of the test (it’s more difficult than the content found in the other books). You can find it on Amazon for under $20. If youre on a budget, you can also download the practice tests used in this schedule for free. Magooshs SAT Video Explanations Just for you, weve put together a set of Official SAT Study Guide video explanations to the College Board math questions. Check them out! Magooshs SAT Video Lessons Magooshs SAT Test Prep includes over 140 SAT Video Lessons, to help students prepare for the test. Lucky for you, some of those videos are free to everyone, even without buying one of our test prep packages. And since youre short on time, you can also check out the lesson videos on our app! Study while you exercise, while you wait in line, between classes, or really any time you have a spare moment. The SAT Test Prep App is available for both iPhone and Android. Now youre ready to go! Day 1: Get to know the test 1. Open up your Official SAT Study Guide, and take the first practice test! Youll be covering Reading, Writing and Language, and Math, just like on the real SAT. Make sure to time yourself for each section. 2. Grade your test (you can find the answers in the back of the book). 3. Figure out what you missed and why you missed it. You should spend a few minutes trying to figure out the correct answer (don’t just look at the answer right away). 4. If you had any trouble with the Math sections, watch our SAT Video Explanations for a step-by-step guide to solving each math problem. 5. Watch the following free SAT Video Lessons: Every free Intro Video Passage-Based Reading Videos (Part I and Part II) Attacking the Passage Writing Video 6. If youve still got some time in your last minute SAT prep, work on the Common Words decks in our free SAT Flashcards App! Day 2: Build off what you learned in Day 1 1. Take the second practice test. Dont forget to time yourself for each section. 2. Follow the same procedure marked out in Day 1 (steps 2-4). 3. Watch 10 Math Video Lessons from whatever areas you are struggling in the most. Weve broken the videos up into Algebra, Power and Roots, Probability, etc. You best know the areas where you need to brush up—so you can choose which ones to watch. Day 3: Work on weaknesses 1. Identify the areas of each practice test which youve struggled the most in, and go over those questions and their solutions for a second time. 2. Watch any remaining free Lesson Videos on topics you feel rusty in. 3. Check out our Guide to the Night Before Test Day, and dont stress too much! Well thats it, your last minute SAT prep is completegood luck, and happy studying! 🙂 Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2013 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

More Generosity Toward The Immigration Policy - 1752 Words

Thai Nguyen Mr. Simeroth F - U.S. Gov’t 03/20/2016 More Generosity toward the Immigration Policy Over the centuries, many nations consider immigrants as a problem to both the economies and the government. In the United States, they passed a law that will help reduce the immigrants, but also still be able to support the economy. Though this solved the problem by small margins, the newly elected democrat want to change this completely. Donald Trump, the highest voted democrat, argues how he have plans for the nations, and one of those plans consists of illegal immigrants. He argued about how he want to build a wall to keep the illegal immigrants away. If this somehow work, the economy will tremendously decrease and the security of those who still lived in the nations whose greatly supports the nation will be banished. The policy will be very strict and Trump thinks that this will be the successor to end the illegal immigrants. Immigrant Policy needs to be more generous toward the immigrants because it can create a new future for the i mmigrants by improving the economy and maintain security over the nation. Trump argue that building a wall can help reject the illegal immigrants, even for those with unique skills, are unable to enter the nation. He put a lot of expectation toward that wall to keep the migrants away from the nations as possible. Though it seem like a brilliant idea, at first, this will not stop the migrants and how will he be proposed to build a wall alongShow MoreRelatedWhy Should You Vote For Donald Trump?1075 Words   |  5 Pagesarmor that we have been looking forward to for decades. Mr. Trump is refreshingly blunt, honest, and pro-American. He will make politics entertaining. He is using his own money and it means he doesn’t have to listen to what others. He is big on Immigration reform; he is for American people first. Donald Trump is authentic. Donald Trump’s slogan is ‘Make America Great Again!’ Think of it this way: Mr. Trump is using his own money which, means he can do what he wants without listening to what othersRead MoreThe Emigration Of Australia During World War II1034 Words   |  5 Pagesand in doing so significantly contributed to the country by not only offering their culture to the development of Australia’s multiculturalism but by also contributing to the academic and artistic life of Australia. The main reason for Hungarian immigration to Australia was the Hungarian Revolution that followed the disaster of World War II. In Australia the Hungarians quickly proved their dedication to making the most of their new life in Australia and in doing so, contributed to the development ofRead MoreThe Tamil Refugees at Victoria, British Columbia Essay1533 Words   |  7 Pagesotherwise, were concerned, many of whom took to the streets of Toronto in protest between January and May in 2009. 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(Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, 2009) AccordingRead MoreWhy Eugenics Is A Violation Of A Human s Rights1749 Words   |  7 Pageswithin a community as well as on a global scale, and it solidifies the social hierarchy. First, eugenics promotes abortion in expecting mothers. In recent years, doctors have started giving non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPTs) to expecting mothers more frequently. NIPTs are conducted by taking a sample of cell-free DNA from a mother’s bloodstream to look for chromosomal defects in an unborn fetus (Darnovsky and Stern). Currently, NIPTs can only detect chromosomal defects, but they are predicted toRead MoreAnalysis Of John Irvings A Prayer For Owen Meany1424 Words   |  6 Pagesknow what she wanted to do to become successful and continue her father’s hopeful lineage, until she went to cosmetology school where she learned how to style hair while grooming her own future. 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The border of the United States should be closed to the increasing number of immigrants attempting to gain entry into the country as they negatively affect the nation and the lives of other Americans because they areRead More Undocumented Children Should Attend College Essay2237 Words   |  9 Pagesthis country that have no desire or no aspiration to go to college† (â€Å"Rick Santorum: ‘A Lot’ of People in US Have No Desire for College†). In defense, college teaches many values that can shape an individual over the course of pursuing a degree, in more ways than just a cademically. The truth of the matter is, according to philosopher John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism theory, every human being is and should be â€Å"capable of enjoying higher pleasures†¦[such as] arts and intellectual pursuits† (John R.Read MoreMr. Postag35v1 s Trade Deal Will Change All That2241 Words   |  9 Pages We have something special here, something we don t want to lose. We have a way of life, a way of looking at ourselves, a way of reacting to the world. Mr. Mulroney s trade deal will change all that. It will make us a little more then a junior partner of the United States. I believe in a strong, sovereign independent Canada. I believed that we are now talented enough and competent enough and tough enough to make our own choices, for our own future, in our own way. I need your support on NovemberRead MoreStudent1842 Words   |  8 Pagesethnic minorities, older workers and people with a disability. There is a tension between diversity as a factor that generates forms of exclusion and inferior material outcomes in the labour market, and diversity as a factor that can be harnessed towards improving organisational performance. While diversity is embedded in worker difference and notions of equality and justice, the broader equity goals linked to Managing Diversity are not necessarily th e terms by which Managing Diversity programs are

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Woman s Descent Into Madness - 1588 Words

Shayna Pospisil Professor Callis English 112 29 April 2015 A women’s descent into madness Hamlet is praised as one of the greatest literary works ever written but unlike the title, many characters play key roles in the development of the story and his progression towards revenge induced madness. One such character is Hamlet’s lover Ophelia. She is a pivotal character in the effectiveness as well as execution of the plot for revenge. One fact that is commonly short sited is the relationship Ophelia has with Hamlet and how that ultimately affects his road towards revenge. Without Ophelia there is no Hamlet. Ophelia’s innocence, lack of knowledge and ignorance, and weakness of the mind all play a key role in not only her own but also Hamlet’s demise. One of the most talked about subjects in the play itself is Ophelia’s innocence of purity. Because Hamlet was going to Denmark a relationship with Ophelia would never work therefore her father felt the intense need to protect her innocence. Any kind of relationshi p would be detrimental to not only Ophelia but her family as well. If Ophelia were to lose her purity before marriage she would no longer be desirable to any other man because she would be â€Å"used goods†. That would reflect not only on herself but on her family. Another interesting point is just how protective her brother Laertes is of her virtue. In Act I, Laertes gives advice to Ophelia on the pitfalls of a pre-marital relationship in a lengthy speech that s gearedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Yellow Wallpaper1579 Words   |  7 Pagesthe nature of a nineteenth century woman’s descent into madness. After moving into a new place the narrator s mind begins to slowly degenerate because of the conditions of her environment; which completely affect her life and identity. The narrator a middle class woman moves into a colonial hereditary mansion for the summer. She lives with her husband John and two other adults. All three adults affect her mentality in different ways. John is the narrator s husband and is also a physician. Before theRead MoreThe Yellow Wall Paper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1107 Words   |  5 Pageshealth in the 19th century and is considered to be an important part of early American feminist literature. During the 19th century, women were confined to the idea of the â€Å"ideal† woman and the â€Å"domestic sphere.† According to Barbara Welter, in her 1966 paper entitled â€Å"The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860,† an ideal woman embodied piety, domesticity, pureness and submissive. Women would find true happiness in taking care of their families and living a simple and uncomplicated life. â€Å"The Yellow Wall-paper†Read More A Doll’s House Essay1511 Words   |  7 Pagesseemingly ignorant chi ld-wife to a desperate woman in order to preserve her illusion of the security of home and ironically her own sanity. A Doll’s House ‘s depiction of the entrapment of the average 19th century housewife and the societal pressures placed upon her displays a woman’s gradual descent into madness. Ibsen illustrates this descent through Torvald’s progressive infantilization of Nora and the pressure on Nora to adhere to societal norms. Nora is a woman pressured by 19th century societal standardsRead MoreEsther’S Madness Is Presented As A Consequence Of Her Rebellion1316 Words   |  6 PagesEsther’s madness is presented as a consequence of her rebellion against the archetypes of gender roles, which she is surrounded by in the novel. Chodorow argues that, in our subjective understanding of gender relations, individuals ‘create new meanings in terms of their own unique biographies.’ Chodorow’s argument is evident in how Esther und erstands gender relations through her experience with Buddy Willard. His mother believes that ‘what a man is is an arrow into the future and what a woman is isRead MoreThe Effects Of Postpartum Depression In The Yellow Wallpaper1273 Words   |  6 PagesCharlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, is a short story, published in the late 1800s, about one woman’s descent to madness. Finding herself plagued with postpartum depression after the birth of her son, the narrator’s ailment is overlooked by everyone around her. Her husband, â€Å"...a physician of high standing..† (Gilman) describes the narrator’s illness as â€Å"temporary nervous depression...a slight hysterical tendency.† Her brother and male doctor, also agree with this diagnosis and becauseRead MorePostpartum Depression And The Yellow Wallpaper1536 Words   |  7 PagesYellow Wallpaper† The descent into madness by the main character in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† shows the impact of postpartum depression coupled with the oppression of women during the time period in which it was written.   The author, Charlotte Gilman, suffered from postpartum depression herself and is considered the model for the main character and what she goes through, as chronicled in an article she later wrote in 1913 entitled â€Å"Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper.†   The woman in the story is takenRead MoreInternal And External Captivity By Langston Hughes1739 Words   |  7 Pagesthe narrator’s captivity within a room and the mechanics of her mind growing more and more chaotic as her isolation from the outside world (mostly her husband) leads to her insanity. Kate Chopin expresses the many freedoms of an upper-class married woman but shines some light on how she is still restricted through this marriage and by her health in her text â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, eventually reaching a sense of liberation only to abruptly lose it. Throughout all three of these texts, the theme of freedomRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper Analysis872 Words   |  4 Pageskeeping it her own little secret. Her writings include her thoughts about john, and descriptions of the room, mainly describing the wallpaper and how she believes there to be a woman trapped inside. She is convinced that she herself, is the woman trapped inside of the wallpaper and she tears the wallpaper down to free the woman and give herself a sense of relief. While reading this story it is highly important for us as readers to think about the context that this story was written in. The historicalRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1523 Words   |  7 Pageshow the conflicts of the narrator of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, and her behavior/actions towards these conflicts indirectly state the themes of gender role, freedom, madnes s, and women’s health throughout the story. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† starts off with the narrator, an unnamed woman, who is writing in her journal. Speaking in first person, the narrator of the story has recently given birth to her first child and has been diagnosed by her husband, a physician, as sufferingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman1700 Words   |  7 Pagesone such author that has used themes and symbols to effectively give a certain story she wrote a large amount of importance in furthering her ideology with society and reformation at the time. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† uses the symbolism of the story s title, confinement to the room, and the narrator’s husband to reveal different themes about society at the time the book was written along with why Gilman wrote the story as she did. Gilman wrote â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† in 1890, and it was

Book review of Jackie Robinson Essay Example For Students

Book review of Jackie Robinson Essay The great American pastime of baseball has had its share of amazing athletes that not only dazzled fans with their play, but revolutionized the sport with their personality, charisma, and courage. Babe Ruth, with his charm as well as his bat, gave baseball a personality, Lou Gehrig, the Iron Horse, gave baseball a tough image, and Joe DiMaggio, with his 56 game hitting streak captivated the entire country. In a similar way, Jackie Robinson added diversity to the game of baseball by breaking the color barrier. However, in his case, the story is much different. When Babe Ruth was on route to hitting 60 home runs, nearly all the baseball world supported him. When Joe DiMaggio got hit after hit, the country stood still with anticipation. The case of Jackie Robinson is much different, in that very few wanted diversity; no one wanted a black man on the same playing field as white players. Robinson, then, overcame his own record without, for the most part, the benefit of country approval, fan support, or even his own teams support. With extreme courage, a tough personality, and a will to be a major league baseball player, he changed the sport of baseball forever, making him a significant figure in American sports history. Jackie Robinsons professional career was shaped in every way by the society he lived in. He not only had to worry about his ability to play, he had to worry about the racism that followed him off the field. He received death threats throughout his career; not just to himself, but his family as well. During most road trips he was often not able to stay in the same hotels his team stayed in, also, finding a meal was sometimes difficult when there were only white restaurants around. Many major league stadiums were filled with hostile fans opposed to his presence, and although they were sometimes the minority Robinson would have to deal with disparaging remarks, and sometimes actions, toward his race on a daily basis. In one case, while in Syracuse as a Montreal Royal, an opposing player actually threw a black cat on the field and said Hey Jackie, theres your cousin (153). Other times, during his minor league stint, games had to be cancelled or rescheduled because the opposing team refused to let a black man play ball with whites. Many players on opposing teams had trouble accepting Robinson and would give a cheap shot if they could, or, if they were a pitcher, would throw at him. As a baseball player, it is hard enough to play well at the major league level without having the deck stacked against you. Robinson had to deal with this at every level. He had to overcome prejudice to become accepted, which is something he eventually managed to do. Robinsons impact on society went far beyond the baseball field. Starting out as a token, he had utterly complicated the white mans sense of the nature of black people, how they thought and felt, their dignity and their courage. No black American man had ever shone so brightly for so long as the epitome not only of stoic endurance but also of intelligence, bravery, physical power, and gritNeither blacks nor whites would be quit the same thereafter in America (186-87). Robinson, then, truly changed the ideal of a black man in America, and along with that, the direction of segregation. The feats that Robinson accomplished in the face of adversity leads us to an easy explanation of the type of personality that accompanied him. He had extreme courage, for only a courageous person would endure, and even welcome, the career long challenges he was faced with. He had confidence in himself as a person and as an athlete. His enormous faith of his physical ability was the result of years of success on every level of competition. This confidence surely helped him throughout his life as an athlete. .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 , .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .postImageUrl , .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 , .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:hover , .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:visited , .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:active { border:0!important; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:active , .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193 .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5bef89109cde3e33413154dd49fbe193:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analyation Of Candy In Of Mice And Men Essay One needs confidence to succeed at any sporting event. One more thing that Rampersad seems to illustrate a great deal is Robinsons determination, his greatest strength as a ball player. Robinson was always determined to succeed, and would certainly never back down .