Sunday, May 17, 2020

More Generosity Toward The Immigration Policy - 1752 Words

Thai Nguyen Mr. Simeroth F - U.S. Gov’t 03/20/2016 More Generosity toward the Immigration Policy Over the centuries, many nations consider immigrants as a problem to both the economies and the government. In the United States, they passed a law that will help reduce the immigrants, but also still be able to support the economy. Though this solved the problem by small margins, the newly elected democrat want to change this completely. Donald Trump, the highest voted democrat, argues how he have plans for the nations, and one of those plans consists of illegal immigrants. He argued about how he want to build a wall to keep the illegal immigrants away. If this somehow work, the economy will tremendously decrease and the security of those who still lived in the nations whose greatly supports the nation will be banished. The policy will be very strict and Trump thinks that this will be the successor to end the illegal immigrants. Immigrant Policy needs to be more generous toward the immigrants because it can create a new future for the i mmigrants by improving the economy and maintain security over the nation. Trump argue that building a wall can help reject the illegal immigrants, even for those with unique skills, are unable to enter the nation. He put a lot of expectation toward that wall to keep the migrants away from the nations as possible. Though it seem like a brilliant idea, at first, this will not stop the migrants and how will he be proposed to build a wall alongShow MoreRelatedWhy Should You Vote For Donald Trump?1075 Words   |  5 Pagesarmor that we have been looking forward to for decades. Mr. Trump is refreshingly blunt, honest, and pro-American. He will make politics entertaining. He is using his own money and it means he doesn’t have to listen to what others. He is big on Immigration reform; he is for American people first. Donald Trump is authentic. 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